Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a day!

Well, today was one of those days. A good day? A bad day? I am not sure!

I needed to have a hard talk with a good friend this morning and so I left the house a little bit sick to my stomach. I hate confrontation but it was an important talk and I was really glad that I had done it afterwards. However, I did some crying and when I left I was still very close to tears.

I had to rush off to ladies bible study; the kids wondered if I should maybe not go because they could tell that I had been crying, but I went anyways. There were only 3 other ladies there and when each of them looked at me at different times as they (or I) arrived and said, "Darcy, what happened?" I broke down and gave them each a good cry. :-) so silly. But so nice to have good girlfriends whose shoulders are open for me to cry on.

So, in the middle of the bible study Anna came to get me that there were some people in our yard talking to them (Joel wasn't home but Morris, our yard worker was there) about shutting off the electricity. Yikes; so I ran (sadly, stepping on some doggy doo on the way) home (I was right next door) and tried to talk the man into not shutting off our electricity. He talked to Joel on the phone and then told me that Joel told him that we had no money so couldn't pay our bill. I told him I KNOW my husband didn't tell you that; and that we had already paid our bill and he could NOT shut of our electricity. I was SOOO not in the mood to deal with this; and when he tried to give me the form saying he was going to shut off our power I wouldn't take it. Finally I was able to talk the guy into not shutting off the power.

So, I went back to the bible study and just enjoyed a nice talk with the ladies and we didn't end up leaving until almost 2pm! So glad that Alissa had made lunch and fed the kids while I was gone.

That afternoon at 3 or so Carolyn came over for speech with the boys and when speech was done we were able to have a great visit. Sigh...thank the Lord for good friends! We could talk without worrying about supper because a lot of us were going to go to the new restaurant our church opened up in town.

During our visit a man who had really, really over charged us for something came by to ask for Christmas and New Years presents. I couldn't believe he did that; when I had no gift for him he asked for mangos (which weren't ripe yet). He told me that he had seen Joel who had given him the gifts he asked for and had sent him to me so I could also give him gifts. I told him I KNOW my husband didn't do that (what was up with people lying to me about Joel today?) and sent him on his way. I was maybe more abrupt than I should have been, but after my dealings with the electricty guy, I was just not in the mood to deal with this guy.

Right before supper time Sally stopped by on her way home from exercising and we were able to have a quick chat. I love Sally's visits; she often stops by on her way home from working out and we visit for awhile before supper time.

We left and met up with a bunch of friends at the Grace Hot Pot and had such a good time. There are no real restaurants here so we haven't really had a meal like this with friends where you don't have to cook before hand or clean up afterwards! It was just fun visiting with everybody. What a nice evening! The kids sat in one area at several tables and the adults sat together. The restaurant was closed except for us; it was very nice.

Anyways, so we got home around 8pm and I realized that I was thinking of what a great day I had; instead of what a rotten day (like it started out). Also, it is a day for the record books; I didn't cook at all today! Kaleb made breakfast, Alissa made lunch and we went out for supper! Yay!


Amy Riemersma said...

Thanks Darcie for sharing. I really enjoy reading your updates. So wonderful that you have such great friends there to talk with. The restaurant sounds like fun. When does Joel and Alissa leave for the US? We are looking forward to having them at our church.
Hugs, Amy

By the Brook said...

As you've read we are hoping to make it out of here by mid March. Any chance the Molinas will make a trip down to Lilongwe? So appreciate your prayers dearest friend! Enjoyed reading!