Since we arrived in Malawi our life has been anything but settled. We have moved a lot...a week here, 2 weeks there, back to the first spot for a weekend and then back to the 2nd spot to buy groceries. We should start calling our homeschool
School in a Box because we carry our current books for school around in these plastic tubs all of the time. Alissa and I started wondering if she and I maybe suffering from "everything is greener on the other side of the fence" disease. It seems like we are always wishing to be someplace we are not. At the lake we are thinking fondly of the warm showers of the guesthouse. At the guesthouse we are thinking fondly of the day when we will finally have a house of our own. As frustrating as it is to be unsettled after more than 3 months, this mentality of always wishing for something we don't yet have can't be that good.

Here are some cows that we "ran into" on our road that were wishing for the greener grass.
I wonder if it wouldn't be better to be more like a chameleon. We saw one (well, we think it was, we aren't sure because we had never seen one before) at the lake and it was amazing how quickly it changed its color because of the environment or because it was angry at being bothered. I suppose it would be better for me to more like the chameleon, in a way, where I can quickly and easily adapt to my
situation...not always wishing I were someplace I am not.

So, where are we now? Joel is in Zambia and the rest of us are staying with my friend Lee-Anne after having a week of staying at the Baptist guesthouse. Yes, back in the land of the hot showers, but still, it will be great to finally have a house!
It is good to hear that you guys are doing well, but I hope you are able to settle in soon. Just hang in there.
That chameleon picture is great. It's pretty typical for a mom to want her family settled in their own home--I don't think you're a grass is always greener kind of person, but at the same time I know you'll be happier when God reminds you that he's got you right where he wants you to be.
thanks for the pictures and your thoughts about the chameleon. I, also should be praying for that attitude. I'm so often discontent with my surroundings. Thanks for causing me to think
love, mom
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